

If you are looking for a unique environment for your next conference, presentation, seminar or ball, consider hosting them in Latvia Puppet Theatre. The friendly and inviting atmosphere will turn any event to a special happening. We are offering the following premises: Main Hall (230 seats), Small Hall (80 seats), the Theatre`s lobby and cafe. The Theatre is located right in the heart of Riga, just a few minutes’ walk from the Central Railway Station. It`s easy to reach the Theatre by car or by public transport.  

Contact us:, Phone: +371 67285418



You are welcome to organize and celebrate your child`s birthday or any other festivity in our Theatre.

Contact us:, Phone: +371 67285418



We are offering guided tours for groups (Latvian & Russian). This journey across the puppet land - theatre`s building, its history, a fascinating backstage look, and visits to workshops, where stage designs are created and puppets made, will give you a special behind-the-scenes peek at our Puppet Theatre. On the second floor of the building one can find the Theatre`s Puppet Museum. Its exhibition tells the story of the Theatre and displays the most famous performances since its opening in 1944.          

Contact us:, Phone: +371 67285418


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© Latvijas Leļļu Teātris, 2024