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Хорошая постановка, красочная и интересная. Маленькие детки могут испугаться волка, поэтому рекомендовала бы не раньше 3 идти.
Спектакль красивый, красочный, интересный. В 2 года некоторым зрителям рановато, но в 3-4 и даже 5 самое то! Постановка классическая, очень понравилась.
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Little Red Riding Hood

Красная Шапочка и волк
Duration: 1:15, 2 cēlieni
Recommended age: 2+
Premiere: 10.04.2015.
Stage Director: Vija Blūzma
Puppet & Stage Designer: Gedimins Kotello
Composer: Anrijs Sirmais

About performance

In the last decade Latvian Puppet Theatre has been experimenting with various puppet operating techniques. Among other novelties, the theater is presenting now also marionette puppet shows for children. The first such an experiment - the show "Three Little Pigs and Wolf," staged in 2014, received very positive reviews and feedback from our spectators. Thus the Theater`s director Vija Blūzma together with an artist Gediminas Kotello and Theater`s puppeteer and composer - Anrijs Sirmais, have created and staged another show featuring marionettes - one of the most complex and difficult forms of puppetry. So now our youngest visitors are welcome to enjoy another amazing story -  “Little Red Riding Hood”, adaption by Irina Gridenko based on Brothers Grimm fairy tale.

The creators of the show has kept to the traditional storyline of the tale and staged a play that reminds us all, how essential it is to love and to care for those around us; and to lend a sympathetic ear or a helping hand whenever needed.


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