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Спасибо за спектакль, было интересно хоть и на латышском.Но не понравился запах сигарет, было неприятно.
Спасибо за такую оригинальную постановка, все бало отлично.
Большое спасибо за представление, очень необычная постановка.
šodien cilvēkam reti iznāk no sirds pasmēties, par ko no visas sirds sapņoja R.Blaumanis.Paldies visam Leļļu teātra kolektīvam par R. Blaumaņa ,,Skroderdienas Silmačos" iestudējumu.Izrādes laikā mēs varējam smieties un arī pārdzīvot kopā ar aktieriem.Viss ir aktuāls šodien. Mīlestība vienmēr atradīs pareizo ceļu.Mīlēsim viens otru un teātris palīdzēs mums.
Спектакль был очень интересным, но было много дыма
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The Tailor Days in Silmači

Skroderdienas Silmačos
Duration: 2:50, 2 cēlieni
Recommended age: 7+
Premiere: 01.04.2007.
Stage director's assistant: Silvija Bitere
Puppet designer: Ilze Vītoliņa
Stage designer: Anita Znutiņa-Šēve
Arrangements of songs: Valdis Zilveris

About performance

R.Blaumanis himself once had said “My friends do not forget that this play is a comedy play. I have wanted to induce laughter. That was my sole intention. I like when the people laugh. We, Latvians, are so concerned and difficult, that we do not know how to rejoice…”

When working on this production, both Directors Kārlis Auškāps and Valdis Pavlovskis have followed the mode of expression supported by the playwright himself – the theatre is a place of entertainment and the show shall help people to relax. The creative team - Directors Kārlis Auškāps and Valdis Pavlovskis, a puppet designer Ilze Vītoliņa and stage designer Anita Znutiņa-Šēve have found a brilliant way how to make the already well-known comic story even more amusing and appealing to contemporary theatre-goers – puppets-animals instead of puppets-people. The Directors believe that by the use of animal characters one can create more vivid interpretation of relationship between the characters without uttering any direct insult to anybody…

The performance has received the Latvian Theatre Award Artists Night for Unconventional Interpretation of Classical Work of the Year 2006/2007.              

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