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A bedtime story. The Tale of a Silly Mouse

Вечерняя сказка. Сказка о глупом мышонке
Duration: 0:30, 1 cēliens
Recommended age: 2+
Premiere: 29.05.2009.

About performance

Performances from a cycle “Bedtime Stories in the Puppet Theatre” are not just entertainment puppet shows introducing the world`s most beautiful fairytales and stories. It is an acting viewing experience, where children are encouraged not only to listen to the stories, but also participate actively.

On weekday evenings at 18:30 puppeteers together with children read and tell fairytales. Actors use puppets and elements of play, which promote learning and general development of a child. “Bedtime Stories in the Puppet Theatre” are particularly recommended as a first visit to the theatre, during which children can in a cosy atmosphere make their first acquaintance with a theatre and puppeteers, meet other children and take their first steps on the path that leads through the never-ending wonders of puppetry world.

“Bedtime Stories in the Puppet Theatre” is a cycle of performances open to improvisation, changes, children`s participation and recommendations.  

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