Adventures in the Magic Wood

Приключения в Волшебном лесу
Duration: 1:20, 2 cēlieni
Recommended age: 3+
Premiere: 21.11.2015.
Stage Director: , Māris Koristins
Stage Designer: Anita Znutiņa-Šēve
Composer: Silvestrs Zemgals
Translation: Владимир Новиков

About performance

Over the hills, across the green meadows and winding rivers the mighty forest stretches silently. There birches stand proud and silver aspen tree leaves flaunt in the breeze; tall fir-trees reach into the sky and majestic oaks are spreading their branches like green giants. Welcome to the Magic Wood! There in the woods, in a tiny Fern Village, fairies and dwarfs are passing their days happily till the day, when the Evil Witch and her helpers-polecats- find their new home in the wood and settle down in the thicket - the Spooky Dark Forest. And it doesn`t take long before the evil and villainous deeds follow.

The fairytale “Kas notiek Dižmežā” by Margarita Stāraste is adapted into a lively puppet show-musical featuring the writer`s charming original illustrations. 

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