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Little Snowmen and the Sun

Saulīte un sniega cilvēciņi
Duration: 1:10, 2 cēlieni
Recommended age: 2+
Premiere: 07.12.2013.
Stage director: Māris Koristins
Stage, puppet designer: Anita Znutiņa-Šēve
Composer: Valdis Zilveris
Texts of songs: Daina Strelēvica

About performance

This play written for kids starting from the age of two tells the story of two little snowmen, who decide to set off on a journey and find, where the sun dwells. Hearing of the sad destiny awaiting them as soon as they step into the warm sunlight, the two choose their path, which winds through the forest. Oh, poor, they are so afraid of melting! On their way they meet with forest dwellers - a squirrel, a bear, a hare and trees, which have to struggle with severe frost and deep snow. The two little snowmen realize how eagerly everyone in the forest is waiting for the sunshine to come. Their little snow hearts fill with warmth and they ask the old, wise crow to fly to the sun and urge her to appear as fast as she can. Thus, with the first rays of spring sun, little snowmen begin to melt and soon the first heralds of spring – snowdrops - raise their white heads from the earth – in the place, where once the two little snowmen stood. 

“This touching story about warm-heartedness and empathy is based on a Romanian folktale. The message behind the tale warns us that putting oneself above all and showing disregard for feelings of others, will lead to a sad ending”, says the play`s Director Māris Koristins.        

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