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Winter`s Tale

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Duration: 1:20, 2 cēlieni
Recommended age: 2+
Premiere: 18.12.2003.
Stage director: Hermanis Paukšs
Stage, puppet designer: Jānis Jansons
Composer: Roberts Ūdris

About performance

Many generations have grown up with wonderful fairy-tales by Margarita Stāraste, a beloved childrens`s book writer and illustrator. Her stories and drawings offer this special energy of warmth, sweetness and protection. Her fairy world include ancient motifs and present-day elements; it`s a wonderful place, where human ways of life merge with the colourful beauty of nature. Once having visited the wonder land of Margarita Stāraste, one will be forever held under the spell of her miraculous drawings. Her books fully captivate and engage children and adults alike; they form a wonder bridge on which once having met one another parents and children are able to speak in one language.     

Director Hermanis Paukšs: “When working on the scenario for the “Winter`s Tale”, I tried not to lose the uniqueness of original narrative structure and manner as far as the adaptation for stage allows it, and it seems that I have succeeded in my efforts. As of puppet design - the show`s Artist Jānis Jansons has managed to leave the original characters almost unaltered and the visual stage design coincides with the unique spirit and mood characteristic to Margarita Stāraste`s drawings.”

Music and songs from “Winters` Tale” written by Roberts Ūdris are as enchanting and easily perceptible as the narrative itself. Thus, you may find yourself humming the melodies long after the show has ended.     


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