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Guliver`s Travels

Gulivera ceļojumi
Duration: 1:20, 2 cēlieni
Recommended age: 6+
Premiere: 27.11.2016.

About performance

Everyone whether a child or an adult, dreams of distant, mysterious lands and wild adventures. But what if your dreams take you to some place, where you would better never set your foot on? “Gulliver`s Travels”, a work by English writer Jonathan Swift, is a story of the Gulliver, a brave ship`s doctor and his voyages through the lands of Lilliputians and giants. In this fantasy world full of unforeseen adventures he finds himself a prisoner of belligerent but tiny people, not more than 15 cm tall, and is captured by a family of giants. But he never gives up and makes every effort to return home to his little daughter.

In this performance you will see miniature marionettes, giant objects, and silicone figures printed out in animation and 3D technology, whose prototype is one of the actors. The show is recommended for ages 6+ and families.

Attention! Smoke effects are used during this performance. 


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