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Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Sniegbaltīte un septiņi rūķīši
Duration: 1:30, 2 cēlieni
Recommended age: 4+
Premiere: 20.05.1995.
Stage, puppet designer: Pāvils Šenhofs
Puppet sculptor: Marga Austruma
Translation: Jānis Žīgurs

About performance

Who hasn`t heard of a lovely little princess, whose wicked stepmother - the Queen forces her to work as a scullery maid?

And here they are again, the beloved fairy-tale characters, coming alive on the stage of our puppet theatre. Once again the cruel Queen asks her usual question to the Magic Mirror and learns that Snow White is the one, the fairest in the land. Once again the Huntsman takes Snow White to the forest and she finds her shelter in the cottage of the seven dwarfs. Once again the jealous stepmother tries to get rid of Snow White and once again a true love prevails sweeping away all evil and wickedness in its path. 

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