Little Hedgehog Лилия Суна
Squirrel, Fox Юлия Мещерякова
Little bear, Wolf, Cat Александр Ионов

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Little Hedgehog and a Fir Tree

Ёжик и ёлка
Duration: 1:10, 2 cēlieni
Recommended age: 3+
Premiere: 18.12.2016.
Stage director: Māris Koristins
Stage, puppet designer: Anita Znutiņa-Šēve
Composer: Valdis Zilveris

About performance

How to know when the New Year has arrived? And how to decorate a fir tree if there is not a single one in the forest? Little forest dwellers – a Bear, a Squirrel, a Wolf, a Fox and a Hedgehog have their hands full with preparations for the New Year`s Eve celebration. However, will they manage to find their fir tree in good time?

Though amazingly simple, this touching and sincere story about friendship and selflessness is one among other romantic stories in the philosophical series about the two friends – Little Hedgehog and Little Bear - written by a Russian writer Sergey Kozlovsky.        

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